Conservatives Believe All Democratic Presidents Are Illegitimate

One thing is clear if you pay attention to politics, there’s a large contingent of conservatives in this country who believe a Democratic president, any Democratic president, is automatically illegitimate. It doesn’t matter that the Democratic president was elected by a majority (or plurality) of American citizens, because that never actually happened, according to conservatives. See in conservative fantasia, they believe most Americans are conservatives too, and because they believe this, that means no Democrat, especially not one with any liberal ideas, could possibly win a presidential election on the merits.

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Does The Second Amendment Simply Say, ‘A well regulated Militia shall not be infringed’?

It’s true that we all carry baggage when engaged in a debate. We all have our own ideas about how things should work and what things mean. So when it comes to a debate on guns and the Second Amendment, my baggage is “regulation.” A gun rights advocate will haul around their “unfettered access to firearms” attaché.  So it’s likely our interpretations, in a parsing of the Second Amendment, will be quite different.

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FCC Indecency Standards: Conservative Sponsored Government Censorship

The only people hanging on to antiquated FCC indecency regulations are conservatives and their various “family” groups. The rest of us recognize this for what it is, government censorship. Everyone could point to something they dislike when it comes to big media companies, but that is not a reason to violate the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Government can regulate industries, but it should never stifle free speech.

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Due Process: What’s The Purpose Of The Public Defender?

For those among us who believe we should try and convict suspects in the media and without trial, I ask, what is the purpose of the public defender? If there’s no due process, then we have no need for public defenders. If there’s no presumption of innocence, then why not just skip the trial altogether and throw people in jail or strap them to the electric chair.

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Has Society Moved Beyond The Second Amendment?

On Friday’s Real Time on HBO, Bill Maher quoted conservative columnist George Will from an article he wrote in 1991 titled, “How Embarrassing: The Constitution Protects the Guns that Kill.” Yes folks, this is actually a George Will article. “The Bill of Rights should be modified only with extreme reluctance, but America has an extreme crisis of gunfire,” wrote Will. “And impatience to deal with it can cause less than scrupulous readings of the Constitution.” Because anyone who thinks the language of the Second Amendment guarantees their right to own an assault weapon is hiding behind that Amendment, not comprehending it. “Whatever right the Second Amendment protects is not as important as it was 200 years ago, when the requirements of self-defense and food-gathering made gun ownership almost universal,” said Will.

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