Yes, People Do Cling To Guns And Religion

In April 2008, then Senator Barack Obama got into a bit of political trouble. Referring to working-class voters, the presidential hopeful said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” This statement caused an immediate and lasting backlash. Ultimately he got past it, won the Democratic primary and then the presidency. And to this day, the common wisdom is that Obama was wrong when he made this statement. But was he?

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Hey Mississippi, Better Late Than Never On That Slavery Thing

Lincoln - movieIn what appears to be another reason for conservatives to hate liberal Hollywood, the movie “Lincoln” has led to ratification of the 13th Amendment by Mississippi. This amendment is more commonly known as the official end to slavery in America. Alright, that’s not fair, I should clarify by saying that “most” modern conservatives support the 13th Amendment. Is that better?

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The Second Amendment You Say?

At a hearing before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group in Hartford, CT, Neil Heslin faced shouts of “The Second Amendment!” as he delivered his testimony. Heslin is the father of 6-year old Jesse Lewis, a victim of the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

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The Second Amendment Right To “Keep And Bear Arms” Is Not Absolute

Just as other constitutional rights are not absolute, like freedom of speech, the right to “keep and bear arms” is not unlimited. The idea of equally applied rights is not in question here. What is in question is the scope of each right. Where one person’s right infringes upon another person’s right, that is where the line is drawn. Just as there are reasonable limits on the reach of free speech, so too can there be reasonable limits on the arms one can bear.

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