Do We Stamp A ‘Moral High Ground’ Guarantee On Each Cruise Missile We Launch At Syria?

So it looks like we are getting ourselves involved in yet another war. And I don’t really care what the Obama administration wants to call it. When you launch cruise missiles into another country, that’s an act of war. You can attempt justify it, you can make your case, and even if you were correct, it changes nothing. War is war. Or let’s put it another way so that everyone can understand. If another country took an aggressive action against the United States, and we called that aggression an act of war (which we would), than it is still an act of war when we do it to them.

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The Smirk: Mitt Romney Press Conference On Libyan Consulate Deaths

Forget all the lies and distortions for one moment. Forget about Mitt Romney’s “shoot before he aims” statement — to use a quote from President Obama. Forget about the fact that Mitt Romney doubled down on his factually challenged critique of the Obama administration during a press conference yesterday. Just focus on the two images below for a moment. — When you consider what this press conference was about (Romney’s response to the deaths at the U.S. consulate in Libya), does this look presidential to you?

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Romney: Obama To ‘Establish A Religion Known As Secularism’

At a campaign event in Wisconsin on Monday, Mitt Romney said of the Obama administration, “I think there is a desire to establish a religion in America known as secularism.” Romney was replying to a question by a supporter asking why the administration was mandating contraceptive coverage for women employed by religious organizations. Romney also said there is a “war on religion” in this country. To that I say bullshit. When religious figures and organizations don’t get their way on public policy they believe they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs and so they conclude there must be a war on religion. I hate to break it to you, but your religion isn’t the only religion and it’s definitely not the law.

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