Conservatives Love When Big Government Legislates Morality

I’ve said this before, conservatives are all for big government. Conservatives are all for making government more intrusive. But I do need to add a slight clarification. Conservatives are fine with overreaching government as long as that government interference only impacts the lives of people who conservatives judge as different or immoral.

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Washington State Republicans Want To Legalize LGBT Discrimination

To be clear, discrimination against gays, lesbians and other members of the LGBT community is already legal, as in, there are no laws prohibiting this form of bigotry. But Republican lawmakers in Washington state would like to take it a step further. They want a law on the books that explicitly allows prejudice and intolerance against LGBT people.

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Georgia GOP Chair: Same-Sex Marriage Will Lead To Fraud

Sue Everhart - Georgia GOP Chair - photo by APSue Everhart, chairwoman of the Georgia Republican Party, says that same-sex marriage will lead to massive fraud. “You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” said the misguided GOP chair. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal.”

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Justice Alito: Same-Sex Marriage Is ‘Newer Than Cell Phones Or The Internet’

During Tuesday’s “Prop 8” oral arguments, Justice Alito compared same-sex marriage to modern technology saying, it is “newer than cell phones or the Internet.” I don’t know about you, but I find statements like this unconvincing, and actually in this case, just bizarre. Because the whole point of the “Prop 8” and “DOMA” cases is that gays and lesbians are being denied equal rights. If you’ve been denied equal rights for decades or centuries, but only started to gain those rights (state-by-state) in recent years, how can that be used against you? Same-sex marriage is new because it was illegal until recently. Same-sex marriage is not new because it’s the latest trend, fad or what all the cool people are doing.

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DOMA: The Indefensible Defense Of Marriage Act

Signed into law in 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as between a man and a woman for the purpose of restricting federal marriage benefits to heterosexual marriages only. But what exactly does DOMA defend? I mean, the very name of this act implies a profound protection of the institution of marriage, so it must make great strides to defend the institution.

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Justice Scalia Got Served By Ted Olson During “Prop 8” Arguments

During today’s oral arguments on California’s gay marriage ban (Prop 8), Justice Scalia asked Ted Olson, the lawyer challenging Prop 8, “When did it become unconstitutional to exclude homosexual couples from marriage? 1791 [Bill of Rights ratification]? 1868, when the 14th Amendment was adopted?” Olsen answered Scalia’s question with his own question responding with, “When did it become unconstitutional to prohibit interracial marriages?”

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