Bernie Sanders Has Already Won

Even if he doesn’t get the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders has already won. Oh sure, his ideas have been dismissed by the mainstream media as too radical, or too idealistic. The pushback against the Sanders campaign is a feature, not a bug, of the status quo. People who are perfectly happy about the way things are going in America are not interested in entertaining proposals like Medicare for all, or free public college. Neither of these ideas are extreme when put into the context of the liberal democratic experiment we call America. But, several decades of relentless establishment droning has caused us to forget the liberal foundation of this great country.

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What Can Denmark Teach Us About Ourselves?

On The Huffington Post, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders asks (“What Can We Learn From Denmark?“). But I think a better question is: What can Denmark teach us about ourselves? — Senator Sanders talks about the town hall meetings he attended with Danish Ambassador Peter Taksoe-Jensen. During those meetings, people learned about the major differences in quality of life of the average person in Denmark compared to the average person in the United States.

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For Republicans, Duality is a State Of Mind, a Means To An End

Republicans exist in their own special place and time. A place that is loose with facts, stuffed with contradictory statements and topped off with hyperbolic rhetoric. Whatever will get the job done. Their soon-to-be nominee for president, Mitt Romney is the poster child of Republican duality. For Republicans this is simply a state of mind. The goal is to win the White House and take full control of U.S. government. Convictions are less important than ultimate power, and so Republicans willingly trample on their own statements and previous policy positions. It’s a means to an end.

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