November 13, 2012
Voter ID Would Have Allowed Romney To Win Wisconsin Says Campaign Co-Chair
Romney campaign co-chair and Wisconsin state senator, Alberta Darling, said that voter ID would have allowed Mitt Romney to win her state. TPM reports:
November 13, 2012
Romney campaign co-chair and Wisconsin state senator, Alberta Darling, said that voter ID would have allowed Mitt Romney to win her state. TPM reports:
November 9, 2012
Putting politics aside for a moment, on a human level I do kind of feel bad for Mitt Romney. I mean, anybody who puts in that kind of effort to win something and then come up short, that’s really going to sting.
October 31, 2012
October 30, 2012
September 12, 2012
U.S. ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stephens, along with three staff members were killed during an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The attack was part of violent protests at both the U.S. embassy Egypt and U.S. consulate in Libya. The protests were sparked by a film critical of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
August 25, 2012
On Friday, while at a campaign stop in Michigan, Mitt Romney joked, “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.” Maybe Romney has gone birther, or maybe he was pandering to the birther element within the Republican Party, or maybe he just made a bad joke. It’s irrelevant to the point I would like to make that Romney supporters are showing their bias when they defend his “joke.”
August 20, 2012
YouTube user Hugh Atkin created a mock Romney campaign video by slicing together Mitt Romney’s own voice. In the parody video, uploaded on August 17th, Mitt Romney says, “I don’t really know who I am. I don’t know what I believe. I served as governor for four years, like a mini skirt it was short and revealing. I was liberal, but I was conservative as well.”
July 13, 2012
Conservative columnist and talk show host Michael Medved writes in The Daily Beast, “Obama Must Defend His Own Record, Not Savage Romney’s Character.” I agree with Medved that Obama needs to put just as much, if not more, focus on his own record than Romney’s, but I also believe pointing out unsavory details of Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital is legitimate. Romney has chosen to run on his private sector experience and not his experience as governor of Massachusetts. Romney says he knows how the private sector works and how to create jobs because he worked in the private sector. Therefore, a razor-sharp focus on Romney’s time as the CEO of Bain Capital is very much on the table for the Obama campaign.
May 30, 2012
Romney Campaign Press Secretary Andrea Saul was on The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd today. I’ve transcribed part of her appearance to highlight just how vague and non-specific the Romney campaign messaging is. They don’t really offer solutions. What they offer are critiques of the Obama administration based on generalities.
May 15, 2012
When President Obama talks about something other than the economy the Romney campaign finds it necessary to accuse the president of trying to deflect attention away from the economy. This is their current tactic and it’s possibly their entire strategy. But will it work? Maybe.