Ted “Motor City Madman” Nugent To Attend State Of The Union Address

Part-time musician, one-time Motor City Madman, and full-time, well…madman, Ted Nugent, will be a guest of Texas Representative Steve Stockman at President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. “I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama,” said Stockman, following with, “After the address I’m sure Ted will have plenty to say.”

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You Can’t Bridge The Gun Chasm

Bridge Washout - photo by Steve WhiteAfter two months of gun control and gun rights rhetoric, there is one thing that has become painfully obvious — there’s simply no way we can span the fissure between gun “rights” advocates and gun “control” advocates. I’m not sure even the most skilled arbiter could bring forth a workable solution for both sides. One side believes nothing should be done to existing gun laws, well, except to further weaken them. The other side wants very strict controls, up to and including bans on certain types of firearms.

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A Perverse Thought On Objections To High-Capacity Magazine Limits

During congressional testimony on Wednesday, Mark Kelly, husband of Tuscon shooting victim Gabrielle Giffords, spoke of the 33-round magazine that Jared Loughner used to inflict severe injury and death upon 20 human beings. Kelly said, “He unloaded the contents of that magazine in 15 seconds — The first bullet went into Gabby’s head. Bullet No. 13 went into a 9-year-old girl.” That 9-year old girl was Christina Taylor Green, who was the youngest victim of the Tuscon shooting.

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The Second Amendment You Say?

At a hearing before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group in Hartford, CT, Neil Heslin faced shouts of “The Second Amendment!” as he delivered his testimony. Heslin is the father of 6-year old Jesse Lewis, a victim of the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

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Hey Gun Advocates, Spare Me Your Righteous Indignation

Nearly 500 people have been murdered by a gun in the United States of America since the horrible mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Those are the victims. The children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School are the victims. — Gun advocates are not the victims. Card-carrying NRA members are not the victims. People who talk tough but need a gun to be tough are not the victims. People who justify the need for violent assault weapons for protection or sport are not the victims. — So yeah, gun advocates, you can spare me your righteous indignation.

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