April 20, 2013
Gun control reform: all but three ‘no’ senators received pro-gun cash
Analysis of campaign disclosures shows 42 of 45 dissenting senators logged donations from firearms lobbyists
April 20, 2013
Analysis of campaign disclosures shows 42 of 45 dissenting senators logged donations from firearms lobbyists
April 18, 2013
Last night on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” host Lawrence O’Donnell said, “The NRA’s efforts to guarantee that American mass murderers are the best-equipped mass murders in the world is not limited to murderers who use assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
April 18, 2013
Adolphus Busch IV, whose great-grandfather founded St. Louis based Anheuser-Busch, and heir to the Busch family fortune, today announced his resignation as a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA). The announcement came a day after legislation that would extend background checks failed in the U.S. Senate.
April 17, 2013
Today the Senate voted 54-46 on gun legislation that would extend background checks to include gun shows and online purchases. For those who are aware the bill did not pass, I purposely refrained from saying the Senate voted to defeat the bill. That’s because the bill would have passed if not for Republican filibuster. But as usual the media is lazy. If you search Google for “gun legislation filibuster,” most of the results are from 6 days ago, when Republicans threatened to filibuster debate of the legislation. Well today Republicans filibustered the actual Senate bill. Remove the filibuster and the bill passes by 8 votes.
April 13, 2013
In April 2008, then Senator Barack Obama got into a bit of political trouble. Referring to working-class voters, the presidential hopeful said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” This statement caused an immediate and lasting backlash. Ultimately he got past it, won the Democratic primary and then the presidency. And to this day, the common wisdom is that Obama was wrong when he made this statement. But was he?
April 12, 2013
“From a logic standpoint, how do you know if they’re a criminal, or have a serious mental issue, if you’re not doing any kind of check, if their relative who is an idiot decides to sell them a weapon or their friend decides to sell them a weapon? If nobody’s checking, how do you know they’re a good guy or bad guy?” – Anderson Cooper
April 8, 2013
Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell joined 13 other Senate Republicans, vowing to filibuster a cloture vote on a gun bill to be introduced by Senate majority leader Harry Reid later this week. What these Republicans are saying is they want no vote on gun legislation. It’s not just that they oppose gun control legislation, they also oppose holding a vote.
April 7, 2013
“Wayne [LaPierre] reminds me of the clowns at the circus – they get the most attention. That’s what he’s paid to do.”
April 5, 2013
If all human beings displayed the same fervor and passion for human rights as NRA members and gun owners express for their guns, we might already have achieved world peace. — Well, if only we could do something about those guns.
March 25, 2013
If you missed it, Jim Carrey is featured in a Funny or Die video that spoofs an episode of “Hee Haw” and mocks the late Charlton Heston and gun owners in general…