Bill O’Reilly Says NBC News Is “Protecting The President” By Not Covering Drones

Last night Bill O’Reilly was even more dishonest than usual when he claimed NBC News was not covering the Obama administration’s drone policy. Never mind that Michael Isikoff broke the story for NBC. Never mind that MSNBC had ample coverage of the story on afternoon and prime time shows like The Rachel Maddow Show. And never mind that the “No Spin Zone” is actually a front for all spin, all the time. To be fair to O’Reilly, maybe he wasn’t dishonest, maybe he just didn’t care to check. On his way to fulfilling a pre-existing narrative, O’Reilly managed to fool himself.

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Regarding Obama: Sorry Fox News, There’s No Buyer’s Remorse

Fox News and it’s contingent of circus clowns and sideshow freaks have fostered a narrative of “buyer’s remorse” when it comes to President Obama. They have nurtured this idea through Obama’s entire first term and now into his second term. They point to things that Obama has done or not done, like not closing Guantanamo Bay, and posit that Obama isn’t following the will of his base. In other words, he’s not liberal enough. Of course this argument contradicts the rest of the Fox News coverage of President Obama where wing-nut pundits throw around terms like socialist and Marxist more times than an infomercial host saying “but wait, there’s more.”

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The Conservative Republican Delusion

There are some Republicans who recognize that their party needs to change if it’s going to be competitive in future presidential elections. Yes, Republicans still hold a majority in the House of Representatives, and Republicans will be able to easily win a number of Senate and House races for years to come, but it’s the top office in the land where the math is not in their favor. When you’ve lost California’s 55 electoral votes before the contest has even begun, that’s a problem.

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The 9/11 Double Standard

There is one 9/11 where Al Qaeda terrorists led a coordinated strike using passenger jets that ended with nearly 3000 Americans dead. This 9/11 led us into two wars with the deaths of over 8000 coalition troops, and potentially tens of thousands (likely over one hundred thousand) Iraqi and Afghani deaths. This 9/11 led to a unified United States singing Kumbaya and near unanimous agreement (at least in the mainstream media and congress) in launching a war (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/11. This 9/11 resulted in at least a year or two of strong support for then president George W. Bush.

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