August 23, 2014
QUOTE: As If Wanting The Gun Wasn’t A Pretty Good Heads Up In The First Place
Maybe if you are looking to buy a semi-automatic weapon, that might be reason enough to negate the sale. We can bypass the background check altogether.
August 23, 2014
Maybe if you are looking to buy a semi-automatic weapon, that might be reason enough to negate the sale. We can bypass the background check altogether.
August 17, 2014
“So Governor Nixon says it is hard to tell among the protestors, at night, who is there to help and who is there to hurt. Given that an unarmed teen was killed by a police officer during the day, and given that the response of the governor was to suspend the First Amendment rights of protestors in the nighttime hours because of the difficulty of telling which ones of them were there to help and which ones to hurt, has there been any discussion about suspending the rights of police officers to carry weapons during the day, because it is difficult to tell which of them are there to help and which of them are there to hurt?” – Melissa Harris-Perry (MHP on MSNBC – 08/17/2014)
June 17, 2013
“You simply have to eventually fall under suspicion from somebody even by a wrong call. And then they can use this system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with. And attack you on that basis to sort to derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer.” – (NSA leaker) Edward Snowden
June 5, 2013
“The next generation of conservatives are gonna be fine with same-sex marriage.” – Chris Mooney (The Republican Brain)
May 19, 2013
“I’m not sure that health is uh, uh, a profit institution. I’m not sure. Because, because, it’s what stands between you AND FUCKING DROPPING DEAD.” – Lewis Black
April 27, 2013
“Hyper-partisanship makes you stupid, and you start playing to the cheap seats.” – John Avlon
April 14, 2013
“The whole idea that the government is like a family — completely fallacious.” – Mark Blyth
April 12, 2013
“From a logic standpoint, how do you know if they’re a criminal, or have a serious mental issue, if you’re not doing any kind of check, if their relative who is an idiot decides to sell them a weapon or their friend decides to sell them a weapon? If nobody’s checking, how do you know they’re a good guy or bad guy?” – Anderson Cooper
April 8, 2013
“The government is now populated by some who hold the right to bear arms higher than the right to life.”
April 8, 2013
“It’s going to happen again. Every time, it’s somebody else’s school, it’s somebody else’s community, it’s somebody else’s town. Until one day, you wake up and it’s not.”