Quote: Lewis Black: Health Care Should Not Be A Profit Institution

“I’m not sure that health is uh, uh, a profit institution. I’m not sure. Because, because, it’s what stands between you AND FUCKING DROPPING DEAD.” – Lewis Black

Comedian Lewis Black tells us why health care should not be a profit institution. From his 2012 comedy special “Lewis Black: In God We Rust.”

Comedian Lewis Black - photo by Eyton ZThe reason we’re at where we’re at is because — way before I was born, the decision was made, that because we’re a capitalist country, that um, health should be seen as a profit-making institution. That’s the way people saw it.

That’s why it’s so odd that we’re actually having an argument over something that was decided long, long ago, and there’s still people who defend that. Now, I’m not sure that health is uh, uh, a profit institution. I’m not sure.

Because, because, it’s what stands between you AND FUCKING DROPPING DEAD. It’s not soybeans is it? It’s not fuckin’, uh uh uh, fuckin’ bottled water. It’s not god-damn cell phone coverage — Time Warner shit. It’s none of that. It’s your health. And I know it’s not a commodity, because you’ve never stopped at a red light and had a crack addict come up to you and go, “Hey, um, can I sell you some of my health?”

– Lewis Black

photo by Eyton Z

Health CareHumorQuick Quote

#comedian#for-profit#health care#In God We Rust#institution#Lewis Black#profit