April 8, 2013 by David K. Sutton
Quote: David Wheeler – It’s Somebody Else’s School, Until One Day…It’s Not
“It’s going to happen again. Every time, it’s somebody else’s school, it’s somebody else’s community, it’s somebody else’s town. Until one day, you wake up and it’s not.”
Those were the words of David Wheeler, father of Newtown shooting victim, six-year-old Benjamin Wheeler. On CBS’s “60 Minutes,” families of the Sandy Hook Elementary told their tragic stories, of that deadly day in America last December. Of course, every day is a deadly day in this country of gun-loving “patriots.”
David Wheeler — I would like every parent in this country — that’s 150 million people. I would like them to look in the mirror and that’s not a figure of speech, Scott [Pelley]. I mean, find a mirror in your house and look in it and look in your eyes and say “this will never happen to me, this will never happen in my school, this will never happen in my community,” and see if you actually believe that. And if there’s a shadow, the slightest shadow of doubt in what you’ve said? Think about what you can do to change that. — It is going to happen again. It’s going to happen again. Every time, it’s somebody else’s school, it’s somebody else’s community, it’s somebody else’s town. Until one day, you wake up and it’s not.
Newtown dad: Do you actually believe this will never happen to you?