The Anti-Science Crowd

There are prominent Republicans running for President that think opinions have as much weight as evidence and peer review. Rick Perry is the latest on the right to state that there are “gaps” in the theory of evolution. Another common attack from the right is on climate change. Do these people understand that science is nonpartisan? Sure, any individual is corruptible, but the field of science is the best system we have as humans for finding the truth. Opinion does not hold more weight than years and decades of evidence and peer review.

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And Now The Left Call

It’s a happy one year anniversary for this website! I started this site as “Indiscriminate Ruminations” on August 16, 2010 as a platform for writing about things that interest me. The most common topic over the next 11 months was technology with a  frequency of posting measured in weeks and months.

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We Need The Trickle To Stop

I’ve written before about the failed ideology of trickle-down economics. It amazes me that so many prominent Republicans can continue to support this lie despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. If tax cuts create jobs then how do we explain the past 10 years of the Bush tax cuts? If increasing taxes kills jobs then how do we explain the 1990s? If higher tax rates mean that investors will flee then how do we explain the much higher tax rates in the many decades leading up to the 1980s? You probably heard that billionaire Warren Buffett famously said that his secretary pays a higher percentage in taxes then he does. Warren is again raising awareness to the failed ideology of trickle-down economics in a New York Times Op-Ed article. Below is an excerpt from that article.

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Obama Or The Market?

If you turn on the news it isn’t long before you will hear the standard Republican talking point that President Obama has not shown leadership in creating jobs and improving the economy. Wait a second, I thought it was ‘the market’ that created jobs? If Republicans and conservative Democrats resist the government initiatives — repairing our existing infrastructure and building new infrastructure to benefit this nation in the future — required to get the economy going then they share at least some, if not a majority, of the blame for the state of the economy right now. If ‘the market’ is our best hope then what leadership is Obama supposed to be showing? At a time when government should be spending money on projects that will be a catalyst for economic growth and that will benefit us for decades to come instead deficit hawks have won the messaging war. We may look back at this time in the future and wonder how we could have been so foolish.

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It’s Because of Al Gore

The thing I’ve never understood is why the average right-leaning, possibly Fox News watching citizen does not understand that the things we would do to combat climate change are good things to do anyway. They seem to be more worried about the fact that Al Gore is involved in some way then to stop and think about what the benefits would be. Why would we not want a cleaner, less polluted Earth? Why would we not want cleaner air to breathe? Do these climate change deniers ever stop to think what they are denying? They aren’t denying Al Gore some victory, they are denying themselves (and everyone else) a better planet on which to live.

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