Tax Cuts For Job Creation? Do You Know How Compound Interest Works?

Never mind that it is consumers who create the demand for products and services that in turn generates the need for additional jobs to meet that demand. Yes, people need to start the companies that build the products, but let’s get one thing straight here, nobody would start a company if they thought there was no demand for a product. And nobody would start a company if they thought the general public had no purchasing power to buy their product. So jobs will always be a function of demand, not supply.

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Economic Uncertainty? You Can Thank Mitt Romney and Republicans

Robert Reich says Mitt Romney offers a question-mark when it comes to his plans for the economy. We’ve heard Romney and Republicans say that businesses are uncertain because of Obama’s big government agenda, but Reich posits that it is Romney who is offering uncertainty. Whether it’s his promise to repeal Obamacare (with no details on what he would replace it with) or his $5 trillion tax cut (with no details on which loopholes he will eliminate), Romney comes up short on specifics.

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Fixing America: The Republican all style, no substance approach could spell misery for us all

Let’s face it, Republicans are much better at messaging. They’ve had decades of practice in what to say and how to say it to get their message across. To be certain it’s all style and no substance, but Republicans are really good at it. Republicans have a way of framing a solution to a (real or imagined) problem so that the public hears it and believes that it is a common sense approach to an apparently serious problem. But Republicans count on the thought process ending right there. If people do a little more research and consideration of all the facts, a lot of Republican “ideas” start to break down. I’ll give you two examples.

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