New Jersey Bridge Collapse And Train Derailment Leads To Chemical Spill

Unlike global warming, where no single storm event can be directly attributed to a warming planet, we can directly attribute infrastructure failures with lack of public and political will. No, we do not know the exact cause of today’s train derailment and bridge collapse in Paulsboro, NJ, but we do know that events like this will become more common if we continue to allow America’s infrastructure to deteriorate. The bridge collapse and train derailment resulted in a chemical spill of vinyl chloride into the Mantua Creek. Over 70 people received medical treatment due to the spill.

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RNC – NJ Gov. Chris Christie: Republican National Convention Keynote Speech

Chris Christie - RNC Keynote - photo by ReutersNew Jersey Governor Chris Christie began his keynote speech at the Republican National Convention by saying we should choose respect and by also saying leaders need to stop tearing each other down. Later in this same speech Christie threw out his opening message and angrily began attacking Democrats and showing no respect for the tens of millions of Americans who identify with the Democratic Party.

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