Liberal: What Does It Mean? – The Rise And Fall Of Modern Social Liberalism

In May of 2011, I asked the question “What does it mean to be a liberal?” The question and the blog post that followed were written months before the launch of what is now called The Left Call. Apparently I was not alone in asking the question as that post from nearly two years ago is now the 3rd most popular on this blog. And because of that, I feel the need to expand.

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Eliot Spitzer: Republicans Devoid Of Consistency And Logic

Remember when Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the rest of the Republican clown show were dumping on Obamacare because it cuts $716 billion from Medicare? Well, never mind that the cuts are actually cost savings that don’t affect benefits, the point is that Republicans wanted to look like the great defenders of Medicare. Now as part of a fiscal cliff deal Republicans are looking to do what? Cut Medicare spending. Wow, that didn’t take long.

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