January 25, 2012 by David K. Sutton
GOP Logic: Issue Two
Republican Logic. It turns your brain into a pretzel.
President Obama’s wish to create a fair economy: dividing people. GOP continually demonizing LGBT people: not dividing people? #GOPLogic #p2
— Devin (@devbost) January 25, 2012
Spending money bombing other countries is noble, but spending that money on your country is socialism. #GOPlogic fb.me/1omKH3t0s — opinionatedlib (@opinionatedlib) January 24, 2012
GOP blames Obama for the economy since Jan 21 2009 yet give Bush Credit for death of Bin Laden years after he left office #GOPlogic — jimmy streich (@streicher187) January 24, 2012
So, we want to force women to have babies, but we don’t want to help them feed, clothe, & educate those kids? #goplogic — Michelle Kendall (@Karnythia) January 20, 2012
Free market = Manipulating tax code, lying, cheating, destroying companies.Socialism = mandating non-gov’t, private insurance. #GOPlogic — Paul West (@movieguypaul) January 20, 2012
If digging into Mitt’s financial past is attacking capitalism, is digging into Newt’s marital past attacking marriage? #GOPlogic — Brian Young (@BrianYoung) January 19, 2012
I love #GOPLogic – anything good in the 80’s was reagan anything bad was congress / anything good in 90’s was Newt anything bad Clinton — jimmy streich (@streicher187) January 25, 2012
Why does the #gop hate “different”? “Different” is what makes America great! Diversity is the foundation of execptionalism. #goplogic sucks
— Will Moore (@loneliberal86) January 24, 2012
EVERYTHING that happened since Jan 21 2009 was Obamas fault yet Bush was not responsible for 9/11 #GOPlogic #p2 #tcot #hypocrites
— jimmy streich (@streicher187) January 24, 2012
Did you know that America’s Founding Fathers agreed on everything? And everything they agreed on were Republican values? #GOPlogic #Idiots
— Ben Youngerman (@BenYoungerman) January 22, 2012