Climate Change False Choice: Jobs Or The Environment

If there is one thing in the debate over climate change that irks me the most, well, after climate change deniers, it’s the false choice of jobs or the environment. Even if addressing climate change meant the loss of thousands or millions of jobs, that would not be a valid reason to do nothing. Yeah, you read that correctly. Let’s simply face facts. We are all selfish about our wants and our needs compared to the wants and needs of future generations. But as recent climate-fueled events like Hurricane Sandy have shown us, not only are future generations at risk, our future is at risk.

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Climate Change: Anti-Science, Anti-Fact, Anti-Intellectual – That’s How Republicans Roll

Who is the chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology? That would be Representative Ralph Hall of Texas. He is a climate change skeptic. As you can probably guess, he is also a Republican. Who is likely to replace Hall as the House science chair in the 113th congress? That would be Lamar Smith, also a climate change skeptic, also from Texas, oh, and also a Republican.

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Fact of the Day: The Atmosphere Contains Over 390 PPM Of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

350 logoCarbon dioxide (CO2) build up in the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect and global warming is the result. When the globe warms, it leads to changing weather patterns including bigger and more violent storms. It also leads to permanently changed local and regional climates. This is what we call climate change. Before the industrial age, the normal average level of CO2 in the atmosphere was 275 parts per million.

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