Climate Change For Evangelical Christians: Actions Have Consequences

Those of us who accept the scientific consensus know there will be consequences of inaction on climate change. But instead of our inaction, what about the consequences of our actions? What we don’t consider is the consequences of our actions in a faith-based sense, that might speak to the evangelical Christians who reject climate change. Let me explain.

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Reality Is Unkind To Climate Change Deniers And Fox News Viewers

Reality is an inconsiderate and harsh place for climate change deniers, so they must exist outside it. One of the things a conservative climate change denier (and is there any other kind?) might say to you, if you are ever so lucky to be in such a debate, is that you can’t trust the scientists. They will ask you why we should believe what climate scientists tell us. Or alternatively, and inconsistently, they will tell you that not all scientists agree the planet is warming and/or humans are responsible. Although on that last point, assuming they’re attentive to the tactics of right-wing media, they are “usually” careful to say “scientist” and not “climate scientist.”

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Climate Change And Denialism: Is Science Ever 100 Percent Certain About Anything?

There are some who are climate change deniers. No amount of evidence will ever convince them anthropogenic global warming is real and happening right now. Then there are others who may choose to play the role of devil’s advocate, even if they fully accept climate change is real. When a UN report shows 95% certainty that climate change is real and humans are the cause, the devil’s advocate says there is still a 5% chance they are wrong, so therefore people who say they are skeptics (including out-and-out deniers) have a valid point. — No, they don’t, and here’s why.

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Climate Change: The False Assertion Of ‘The Science Is Not Settled’

I have to get this out-of-the-way right off the top: In science, nothing is ever “settled” in the sense people think when using that word. It’s the nature of science to always question, but there are things for which there is overwhelming evidence and we might sometimes refer to these things as facts. But if you’ve heard conservative media reports on climate change, then  surely you must “know” the science on climate change is not yet settled. Fox News pundits and other right-wing hacks point to scientists who say humans are not responsible for global warming, or that the globe isn’t actually warming at all, its cooling.

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I Deny The Forensic Science Of Airplane Disasters

Hell, people can deny climate science based on opinion alone, right? So why can’t I deny the forensic science of airplane crashes? I think it’s worthless. We learn nothing. Airplanes are already safe enough. Why would we spend money trying to fix something that isn’t broken?

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