MHP: Corporate Welfare Queens, And The America They Hold Hostage

I was glad to see today’s Melissa Harris-Perry (MHP) show focus on the real takers in society, big corporations and their obscenely rich executives. As Americans gather with family today with plates overflowing (as Americans do on just about any holiday), we should remember that tens of millions of Americans rely on food stamps for their next meal.

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Walmart Is The Corporate Embodiment Of America’s Growing Inequality

I have a secret to reveal. I used to regularly shop at Walmart. I live in the outer stretches of Philadelphia’s western suburbs, and Walmart happened to be the closest place to go food shopping. I was never enthusiastic about shopping at Walmart, and as my social and political views evolved, I grew even more uneasy with contributing my money to a company in opposition to my values. So nearly three years ago I stopped food shopping at Walmart, and in fact, I don’t think I’ve stepped foot inside a Walmart since then.

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Republicans Use “Bill O’Reilly” Logic On Taxation

Republicans and conservatives have this idea that until government stops wasting money, they aren’t going to pay anymore in taxes. Since when did people get the idea that they have a line-item veto when it comes to their tax dollars? This is an argument used to deflect away from their real position; they simply don’t want to pay more taxes. So why do the feel the need to clarify it with an illogical excuse?

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