Governor Walker: Ask Obama What He Thinks Of America

Earlier this week, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, “I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”

It takes a special level of idiocy to believe someone who subjects themselves to the grueling process of running for president, does not love his country, but as we have seen, Giuliani is game. But more importantly, Giuliani’s statement is simply the latest example of the Right’s attempt at “otherizing” President Obama.

Feeling left out of the process, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker played it coy when he said, “You should ask the president what he thinks about America.” Adding, “I’ve never asked him, so I don’t know.”

photo by →Transcend↑ via Flickr

photo by →Transcend↑ via Flickr

So in spirit of the Governor’s third-party inquiry, I have a list of things you should ask Scott Walker, because, well, I haven’t asked him, so, you know, they are still up in the air…

You should ask Scott Walker if he still likes to break out the Barbie Dolls he used to play with as a young boy. Or for that matter, I’ve never asked him if he actually played with Barbie Dolls as a young boy, so, I don’t know.

You should ask Scott Walker if he’s ever used a racial slur. I’ve never asked him, so I don’t know.

You should ask Scott Walker if he’s ever been in the presence of, or enjoyed the use of, any form of sex toy. I’ve never asked him, so I don’t know.

You should ask Scott Walker if he’s ever been David Koch’s bitch. I’ve never asked him, so I don’t know.

You should ask Scott Walker if he’s ever had a sudden urge to spank the monkey under the dome of the Wisconsin State Capitol. I’ve never asked him, so I don’t know.

Oh yeah, and how could we forget: You should ask Scott Walker what he thinks about Wisconsin. Does he love his state, or is he just a power-grabbing whore? I’ve never asked him, so I don’t know.

In spite of any indications or expectations to the contrary, you should not infer anything, as I’m simply offering questions you can ask Governor Walker, if you so choose.


#country#David Koch#Governor#love#love of country#Obama#president#President Obama#Rudy Giuliani#Scott Walker#Wisconsin