The Big Mouth Donald Trump You Can’t Unsee

Donald Trump has no filter, and that is exactly what his supporters like about him. It almost doesn’t matter if they think he will be a good president, they just can’t get enough of The Donald saying what’s on his mind. They love that he’s not “politically correct,” and that he’s the biggest a-hole in the race for the White House. Instagram account @darnoldtrump gives us Trump in his most purest form.

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22 Things That Could Possibly Be President Obama’s Fault

You know that right-wing friend of yours who blames President Obama for nearly everything? Well, considering how many things conservatives have blamed on Obama, odds are probably in their favor that they will eventually stumble onto something that really is his fault. So with that in mind, I give you 22 things that could possibly be president Obama’s fault.

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Republicans Need A 12-Step Program To Kick Their Anti-Obamacare Addiction

On the eve of a Republican-precipitated government shutdown, I think we need an intervention. Republicans need to check themselves into a 12-step program to kick their anti-Obamacare addiction. And it’s quite likely some Republicans may require simultaneous treatment for the very dangerous Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS). Let me kick off the process by offering these essential steps.

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Bill Maher: Why Has Hate Become The National Pastime?

During the “New Rules” segment of Real Time, Bill Maher pointed out all the hate on Twitter, chat rooms, and online comment sections, and showed us examples of random hate comments directed at celebrities like Zach Braff and Jonah Hill. “Abraham Lincoln said Americans were a people with malice toward none, and charity for all. But if he had said it online, the first comment would be ‘blow me, Jewbeard’.”

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Climate Change Fueled Hurricanes: Let’s Name Them After The Deniers (VIDEO)

You can’t connect any single weather event directly to climate change, but you can point to trends. And a climate change trend scientists are predicting is more severe and extreme weather events, and stronger more devastating hurricanes (a “new normal”). But why should we name these hurricanes using innocuous names like Andrew, Sandy, Ivan, and Katrina when there are much more suitable and deserving names to choose from. We should name hurricanes after prominent climate change deniers like Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, and Rick Perry.

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