Blinded By The Right: Self-Delusion Fueled Obama-Rage

We generally find it narcissistic, self-righteous, and even a bit creepy when a human being believes he or she is superior to another human being. But when someone believes this very same thing about their country, with the implication being that all other countries (and hence the people who live in them) are inferior, it is considered perfectly normal. And if you are an American, you damn well better believe you live in the best country on the face of the Earth.

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22 Things That Could Possibly Be President Obama’s Fault

You know that right-wing friend of yours who blames President Obama for nearly everything? Well, considering how many things conservatives have blamed on Obama, odds are probably in their favor that they will eventually stumble onto something that really is his fault. So with that in mind, I give you 22 things that could possibly be president Obama’s fault.

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Yes, People Do Cling To Guns And Religion

In April 2008, then Senator Barack Obama got into a bit of political trouble. Referring to working-class voters, the presidential hopeful said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” This statement caused an immediate and lasting backlash. Ultimately he got past it, won the Democratic primary and then the presidency. And to this day, the common wisdom is that Obama was wrong when he made this statement. But was he?

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Bill O’Reilly Says NBC News Is “Protecting The President” By Not Covering Drones

Last night Bill O’Reilly was even more dishonest than usual when he claimed NBC News was not covering the Obama administration’s drone policy. Never mind that Michael Isikoff broke the story for NBC. Never mind that MSNBC had ample coverage of the story on afternoon and prime time shows like The Rachel Maddow Show. And never mind that the “No Spin Zone” is actually a front for all spin, all the time. To be fair to O’Reilly, maybe he wasn’t dishonest, maybe he just didn’t care to check. On his way to fulfilling a pre-existing narrative, O’Reilly managed to fool himself.

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The 2012 Left Call “Front Yard Sign” Poll – South Carolina Style

Romney - Ryan - yard signSo who is winning the 2012 Left Call “Front Yard Sign” Poll (South Carolina style)? Before revealing the results, I’ll preface by saying that this poll closely resembles Obama’s performance in the first presidential debate. In other words, it ain’t pretty. After driving around various Myrtle Beach, South Carolina neighborhoods today the unofficial 2012 Left Call “Front Yard Sign” Poll goes to Romney-Ryan in a landslide. In fact, its a clean sweep. Not one Obama-Biden sign in a 2 hour survey of front yards. In fact, the only Obama signs that could be found are affixed to my 2011 Honda Fit (the unofficial Obama-mobile) as I drive through neighborhoods, offering friendly waves to residents who are out walking their dogs. And in many cases there were 3 or 4 houses in a row with Romney-Ryan signs. Of course these results should not come as a surprise as South Carolina is the state that still flies the confederate flag on it’s statehouse.

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