War in Afghanistan not “important” enough for Romney convention speech

Mitt Romney - photo by Dave LawrenceJust as Mitt Romney managed to get his head out of his ass (or maybe reports of this are premature?), he proceeded to ram his foot in his mouth. Friday on Fox News, Bret Baier asked Romney about neglecting to mention the troops or the war in Afghanistan during his Republican National Convention speech. Romney replied, “I’m going to regret you repeating it day in and day out. — nervous Romney laughter — No. When you, when you give a speech, you don’t go through a laundry list, you talk about the things you think are important.” — Whoops.

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Thank You For Your Service Stephen Hill

Stephen Hill - United States soldier serving in IraqI thank and support Stephen Hill.  I also thank and support – all United States military members who risk their lives for our country – without conditions. Unfortunately for some conservatives, support for our troops comes with conditions. In the most recent Republican debate on September 22, 2011, Stephen Hill – a soldier serving in Iraq – asked if the progress for gays in the military would be circumvented by a Republican administration. 

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