On Net Neutrality, Ted Cruz Is Doing The Oligarch’s Bidding

On Monday President Obama voiced his strongest support yet for equal and fair access to the internet, calling on the FCC to “implement the strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality.” In response, part-time Senator and full-time tool, Ted Cruz, said in a tweet that “‘Net Neutrality’ is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government.” A few days later, Cruz wrote an op-ed, further explaining his bonehead assessment. “In short, net neutrality is Obamacare for the Internet,” said Ted Cruz in his Washington Post piece. “It would put the government in charge of determining Internet pricing, terms of service and what types of products and services can be delivered, leading to fewer choices, fewer opportunities and higher prices.”

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The Fake-Filibuster: Because Senator Ted Cruz Loves The Sound Of His Own Voice

When this article was published, Senator Ted Cruz was still fake-filibustering on the Senate floor. His reason for fake-filibustering is to denounce Obamacare and call for it’s defunding. This will never happen of course, but a little thing like reality won’t stand in the way of delusion for Republicans like Cruz. And I say this is a fake filibuster because Cruz has no power in this situation to hold the Senate hostage.

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Republicans Want To Impeach President Obama, And They Don’t Need A Reason

Increasingly conservative constituents are asking Republican elected officials, “Why can’t we impeach President Obama?” And in many cases, these Republicans (Senator Ted Cruz, Representative Blake Farenthold) answer by saying it’s a good question, and that they would love to impeach Obama, but the problem is the Democratically controlled Senate. Republicans lack any solid reasoning for impeachment (surprise), but that’s not what stands in their way. What stands between Republicans and an impeachment attempt is a tiny sliver of acumen remaining in the United States Congress.

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Harry Reid Says Obamacare Puts U.S. On Path To Single-Payer Health Care System

On a local PBS program “Nevada Week in Review,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, “What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever.” Reid said ultimately they had to drop the idea of a public option during health care legislative negotiations in 2009. “We had a real good run at the public option,” said Reid. He said Senator Joe Lieberman was the main opposition to a public option, at least among those who would otherwise support health care legislation. Because of course no Republicans supported health care reform. But Reid also acknowledged their was support for a true single-payer system saying, “Don’t think we didn’t have a tremendous number of people who wanted a single-payer system.”

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What Can Denmark Teach Us About Ourselves?

On The Huffington Post, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders asks (“What Can We Learn From Denmark?“). But I think a better question is: What can Denmark teach us about ourselves? — Senator Sanders talks about the town hall meetings he attended with Danish Ambassador Peter Taksoe-Jensen. During those meetings, people learned about the major differences in quality of life of the average person in Denmark compared to the average person in the United States.

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Washington State Republicans Want To Legalize LGBT Discrimination

To be clear, discrimination against gays, lesbians and other members of the LGBT community is already legal, as in, there are no laws prohibiting this form of bigotry. But Republican lawmakers in Washington state would like to take it a step further. They want a law on the books that explicitly allows prejudice and intolerance against LGBT people.

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Senator Johanns Says You ‘Literally’ Shoot People In Video Games

Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) - photo by USDAgovThis week Republican Senator Mike Johanns (NE) said, “I find it so incredibly ironic…” Wait! Wait! I gotta stop you there Senator. “Ironic”? I’m not sure what’s the word you wanted to use. But OK, go on… “That its [background check legislation] proponents think these weapons are a problem in the hands of law-abiding citizens,” said Johanns. “But apparently see no problem with the same weapons being glorified in Hollywood movies and video games.”

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