Gallup Poll: Republicans Are ‘Inflexible’ And ‘Unwilling To Compromise’

A new Gallup poll reveals the biggest negative perception facing the GOP, with “inflexible” and “unwilling to compromise” getting 21%. I wonder how they got that idea? Maybe it could be all the filibusters and general obstruction in congress? Or maybe it was when Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, said, “I reject the word,” when asked about compromise.

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A Liberal Case For No Compromise In Washington

Washington D.C. - photo by Patrick NouhaillerNumerous articles on this blog have critiqued Republicans’ unwillingness to compromise. I’ve mentioned that House Speaker John Boehner doesn’t even like the word compromise. So you would think that I believe compromise is a good thing in Washington. Well, if we were dealing with two political parties that gravitated towards the center of the political spectrum, one being center-left, the other being center-right, then sure, compromise is a good thing. That’s not the make-up of Washington D.C. at the moment.

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The Romney-Bain attacks are fair game, but Obama must run on his own record

Conservative columnist and talk show host Michael Medved writes in The Daily Beast, “Obama Must Defend His Own Record, Not Savage Romney’s Character.” I agree with Medved that Obama needs to put just as much, if not more, focus on his own record than Romney’s, but I also believe pointing out unsavory details of Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital is legitimate. Romney has chosen to run on his private sector experience and not his experience as governor of Massachusetts. Romney says he knows how the private sector works and how to create jobs because he worked in the private sector. Therefore, a razor-sharp focus on Romney’s time as the CEO of Bain Capital is very much on the table for the Obama campaign.

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