ACLU: Transgender 101: A Glossary Of Terms

On February 22, 2017, President Trump directed the Education and Justice departments to revoke guidance prohibiting transgender discrimination in public schools. Under the now defunct guidance, schools could not bar students from using bathrooms and locker rooms matching their sexual identity. Transgender people already face discrimination, harassment, violence and worse, and this move by the Trump administration effectively allows schools to legally discriminate against transgender students, singling them out in an environment that should instead foster inclusiveness.

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Know Your Voting Rights: Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote - photo by Ann DouglasVoting rights are under attack in America by a Republican Party that sees its odds of winning future elections hinge on the ability to suppress the minority vote. The country is growing increasingly diverse and by 2050 whites will no longer be in the majority. The Republican Party is going in the opposite direction. The party of Abraham Lincoln is now nearly unrecognizable. While the Republican Party should be able to recruit minorities with a conservative message, that message is overshadowed by a party that is hostile towards immigrants and people who they view as “different” or “foreign.” Just ask President Obama.

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Pennsylvania Sued By 93-Year-Old Woman Over Discriminatory Voter ID Law

Yes, Pennsylvania’a new voter ID law (and similar laws in other states) is in fact discriminatory. I don’t care about rationalizations, because the Republican lawmakers responsible for these laws know exactly what they are doing. Their rationalizations might have convinced Republican voters that voter fraud is a serious problem, but for the rest of us these laws are a big steaming pile of horseshit.

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