Federal tax rate hit 30-year low in 2009

Here’s a story that completely contradicts Republican anti-tax gospel. The tax rate paid by Americans to the federal government in 2009 was at a 30-year-low. I thought Obama raised taxes? I thought lower taxes = job growth. Where are the jobs Republicans? Why is the economy not doing better with the tax rate at a 30-year low?

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Video: Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Moving To Oligarchic Government

Speaking on the Senate floor on Monday, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that the United States is moving away from democracy and toward an oligarchy. Sanders said, “the United States is departing from its democratic tradition, which has always included a strong and growing middle class, and is moving rapidly into an oligarchic form of government in which almost all wealth and power reside in the hands of the very richest people in our society, the top one percent.”

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We Need The Trickle To Stop

I’ve written before about the failed ideology of trickle-down economics. It amazes me that so many prominent Republicans can continue to support this lie despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. If tax cuts create jobs then how do we explain the past 10 years of the Bush tax cuts? If increasing taxes kills jobs then how do we explain the 1990s? If higher tax rates mean that investors will flee then how do we explain the much higher tax rates in the many decades leading up to the 1980s? You probably heard that billionaire Warren Buffett famously said that his secretary pays a higher percentage in taxes then he does. Warren is again raising awareness to the failed ideology of trickle-down economics in a New York Times Op-Ed article. Below is an excerpt from that article.

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