NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Says ‘We Are In The Midst Of A Once-In-A-Generation Fight’

During the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) annual celebration of gun violence (and rights), otherwise known as their national convention, executive vice president Wayne LaPierre made it clear that he believes the NRA and gun owners are in a war. “We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation fight for everything we care about,” said LaPierre. Many of us on the left label the gun crazies as one-issue voters, and with that single statement, LaPierre has confirmed it.

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Concealed-Carry Gun Laws To Extend Across State Lines?

Last week the Senate started debate on the bi-partisan gun bill championed by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA). Expanded background checks is the biggest gun control provision, but we need to pay special attention to something else in the bill, national reciprocity of concealed-carry permits. It means gun owners with proper permits (in states that allow concealed-carry) would be allowed to cross state lines with their concealed firearm.

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Two Sensible Gun Safety Measures Congress Should Pass Now

Gun advocates and NRA members say “guns don’t kill people; people kill people.” Fine. I’ll accept this premise if it enables bipartisan cooperation for sensible gun safety legislation. So if the problem is not the guns, but the people, there are two regulatory measures congress should get to work on now. These two measures regulate the people side of the gun safety equation, not the gun side.

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