To Tea Party Republicans Threatening Government Shutdown: America Does Not Negotiate With Terrorists

The right-wing radicals who have held the GOP hostage for over four years, are now threatening to hold the entire country captive until their demands are met. These “Tea Party” Republicans want further cuts to government spending, but their biggest demand is full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They know repeal will not happen under normal circumstances, so they must create the grim conditions necessary for Democrats and President Obama to crack under the pressure. In other words, they must terrorize the nation. These extremist fanatics bathe in American patriotism and wave their flags, but until they get what they want, American democracy can go fuck itself. Yeah, I got your compromise right here.

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Observation of the Day: Robert Reich Says ‘Regressives’ Have Taken Over Republican Party

The fundamentalist constituency, eating the Republican Party alive, should be known collectively as “regressives,” according to a Facebook post by Robert Reich. There is nothing conservative about them. They do not wish to preserve the status quo, they wish to destroy it, and with it, all the progress over the past century. Reich calls them “regressives” while I have referred to them as “extreme right-wing radicals.”

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Immigration Reform: Republicans Require Politically Advantageous Human Rights

Have you noticed this trend? — Republicans have a nasty habit of waiting until their position is politically untenable before they shift course and adopt a specific human rights cause. They do it time and time again. And let me clarify, I’m not talking about all Republicans, I’m talking about — old school, head in the sand, my way or the highway, cling to my guns and my religion — right-wing extremists. The problem is that many Republicans and conservatives have a hard time ignoring what should be the fringe and instead cater to it. So while not all Republicans have gone AWOL on human benevolence, all Republicans are culpable for the offensive and out of touch rhetoric and policies of their party.

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