Climate Change: The False Assertion Of ‘The Science Is Not Settled’

I have to get this out-of-the-way right off the top: In science, nothing is ever “settled” in the sense people think when using that word. It’s the nature of science to always question, but there are things for which there is overwhelming evidence and we might sometimes refer to these things as facts. But if you’ve heard conservative media reports on climate change, then  surely you must “know” the science on climate change is not yet settled. Fox News pundits and other right-wing hacks point to scientists who say humans are not responsible for global warming, or that the globe isn’t actually warming at all, its cooling.

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Electric Car Range Anxiety In Perspective, A Response To Tesla’s Musk vs. NYT’s Broder

A war has erupted between Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk and New York Times columnist John Broder. Musk takes issue with Broder’s review of the Tesla Model S, and backs it up with data recorded by the test car. I’m not concerned with parsing the details of the feud. I simply want to address the issue of range anxiety. “As I crossed into New Jersey some 15 miles later, I noticed that the estimated range was falling faster than miles were accumulating,” said Broder. “At 68 miles since recharging, the range had dropped by 85 miles, and a little mental math told me that reaching Milford would be a stretch.”

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Climate Change: Anti-Science, Anti-Fact, Anti-Intellectual – That’s How Republicans Roll

Who is the chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology? That would be Representative Ralph Hall of Texas. He is a climate change skeptic. As you can probably guess, he is also a Republican. Who is likely to replace Hall as the House science chair in the 113th congress? That would be Lamar Smith, also a climate change skeptic, also from Texas, oh, and also a Republican.

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