Trump’s Shrinking Malignancy

It might not feel like it right now, but President Donald Trump is a symptom of a shrinking malignancy in America. This is what we must remember as we move forward. In hindsight we should have expected a backlash in response to Barack Obama’s historic presidency, especially in a nation with much work to do on race relations. That malignancy wasn’t going to fade away without a fight.

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Trump’s ‘Extreme Vetting’ Irony

Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign yesterday in disgrace because he lied to the administration and the country over talks with Russia. Maybe not qualifying as irony, but it is poetic justice that Flynn was caught in a web of lies, and potential illegality, considering he led the “lock her up” chants against Hillary Clinton at the Republican National Convention.

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The Trump-Republican Voter Fraud Fiction

With Donald Trump’s continued vanity project, winning the electoral college and the presidency wasn’t enough. It must really stick in his craw that he lost the popular vote. So, he must do as all autocratic leaders do. Lie. And so Trump spins a tale about millions of people who voted illegally, and amazingly all for Hillary Clinton.

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Republicans Lost At Sea On Obamacare Repeal

Over the years, Republicans have voted for a variety of Obamacare repeal bills. This time last year the repeal count was over 60. These repeal votes were red meat for their rabid base, a dog and pony show for the rest. Because Republicans knew they had the cover of an Obama veto, they never had to do the hard work. Turns out this governing thing isn’t so easy when it really matters.

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Trump’s Loyalty Test: This Is What Authoritarian Regimes Do

When President Donald Trump -shudder- ordered Press Secretary Sean Spicer to the podium on Saturday for his first newspeak, it wasn’t just about Trump’s vanity or ego, it was also a test. “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period,” Spicer claimed. Regardless of Spicer’s politics, you know this man does not believe what he said. You know Spicer does not believe Trump’s inauguration crowd was larger than President Obama’s 2009 inauguration crowd. Anyone still clinging to the last smoldering shreds of reality knows this.

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GOP Won’t Put Forth A Better Healthcare Plan

You and I already know why it is not possible for Republicans to offer a healthcare plan better than Obamacare. Even if Republicans do eventually present a unified healthcare plan, and even if Republicans insist their plan is better than the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and even if you stubbornly continue to believe what Republicans say, Obamacare will still be better.

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