Man In Custody After Landing Gyrocopter On Capitol Grounds

Is there any possibility that we could learn about Doug Hughes, the Florida postal worker who today flew his gyrocopter into restricted airspace in Washington D.C., landing on the Capital lawn, and NOT respond with the headline of “Raising serious issues of national security”? Which by the way, is an exact quote from tonight’s “Action News” broadcast in the Philadelphia market.

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Liberal Fantasy Or Not, Washington Could Use A Dose Of Aaron Sorkin’s West Wing Idealism

The West Wing is one of the finest shows to ever appear on television, and I’m only sorry I didn’t watch it during its original run, which began 14 years ago. It’s funny, people refer to The West Wing as a 90s show, but only 10 of the 154 episodes aired in that decade. But it was obvious the show, particularly in the early seasons, was heavily influenced by Clinton-era topics like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, free-trade agreements, and even gun control. When Aaron Sorkin’s White House drama appeared on Netflix in the summer of 2012, I binge-watched the entire seven seasons in under three months. Yes, the show is that good.

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Washington State Republicans Want To Legalize LGBT Discrimination

To be clear, discrimination against gays, lesbians and other members of the LGBT community is already legal, as in, there are no laws prohibiting this form of bigotry. But Republican lawmakers in Washington state would like to take it a step further. They want a law on the books that explicitly allows prejudice and intolerance against LGBT people.

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There Are No Reasonable Republicans In Washington D.C.

Paul Krugman has a short piece titled “Reasonable Republicans?” where he makes a point that I’ve made in the past, that there are no reasonable Republicans serving in office. That’s not to say there are no reasonable Republicans at all, just that they all exist outside the beltway. They might be former aids to past Republican presidential administrations or they could be ex-congressman, but they all have one thing in common, they are no longer serving, and they are no longer considered part of the Republican establishment.

• • • founder Jeff Bezos pledges $2.5 million in support of same-sex marriage in Washington

Well this makes me feel good about the years of patronage I’ve given to Amazon. Billionaire Jeff Bezos, founder of, has pledged $2.5 million in an effort to keep same-sex marriage legal in the state of Washington. Earlier this year Washington passed a law that legalized same-sex marriage but the law is being challenged and will be put on the ballot in November. This means the rights of a minority group will be put to a popular vote. It should be noted that same-sex marriage has failed every time it has been put to a popular vote in other states. This is why we should never put rights to a vote. Rights are not something that we decide. That’s why they are rights. Hmm, I hear Rachel Maddow’s voice in my head right now. Anyway, the $2.5 million pledge from Bezos doubles the amount of money that proponents of same-sex marriage have available to protect the rights of same-sex couples in Washington state. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s coming from a high-profile business owner.

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