Media, In-Group Collectivism, Feeding American Denial On Inequality, Wage Theft, And More

Denial is a powerful force, and in a representative democracy, mass denial is incredibly dangerous. Combine mass denial with in-group collectivism packaged by a handful of self-serving elites, and we call it conservative media. And leading the charge is the ideological solidarity sold by Fox News for conservative consumption, a force assisting in transmuting our representative democracy into something much more closely resembling a representative oligarchy.

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The Free Market Has Spoken, And It Had Nothing To Say About Economic Inequality

One of the tenets of free market ideology is consumer choice. The idea goes like this. Empower citizens to make their own decisions and they will have greater freedom, greater prosperity, and businesses will live or die at the will of the consumer. Therefore, corporations and executives are in effect beholden to the consumer. Sounds good right? Who could be against that?

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Why Are Middle Class Incomes Stagnant? Are We Simply Unproductive Compared To The Super Wealthy?

Would you like to make an extra $50,000, $75,000, or $100,000 dollars a year? I know I would. Would you like a yearly income of $75,000, $150,000, or $300,000? In reality, most Americans make far less than even the lowest amount I listed. In 2012, the median income in America was $51,017, which was down slightly from 51,100 the year before. The poverty rate was 15%, which is over 45 million people. For the bottom 90% of the country, wages have been flat for the past three decades compared to top percent earners who have seen their income double, triple and more.

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Fact of the Day: The Social Security Wage Cap For 2014 Is $117,000

In a “Fact of the Day” article last November, I wrote that, “eliminating the [Social Security] wage cap while keeping the benefits cap produces a Social Security surplus.” But you don’t have to take my word for it as this is a fact backed up by the Congressional Research Service. But it’s also just common sense. If you lift the revenue limiter (the wage cap) but you pay out the same benefits, obviously Social Security will be solvent for some time to come.

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Walmart Workers Want Justice And Respect, Flash Mob Style (VIDEO)

On September 5th, Walmart workers around the country rallied for better wages, benefits and a little thing called respect. The rally in Raleigh, North Carolina had a special flare with a well-coordinated and peaceful flash mob assembly. Walmart is the biggest employer in America with over one million workers. With that many employers, Walmart can only get away with their labor practices for so long. Eventually the people will fight back. This flash mob is likely only the beginning.

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Hey Conservatives, Want Less Government? Raise The Minimum Wage

Are you a conservative who wants less government? Do you despise welfare queens? Do you have contempt for fellow human beings when they need trivial things like food and health care? Do you yell things like “get a job” or “work harder” or “start your own business” when you hear people grumble about their empty stomach, or carp about going into debt for medical bills, or bemoan their inability to buy the G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip for their kid at Christmas time?

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Corporate Profits Soar, But Republicans Refuse To Raise Minimum Wage

We know corporate profits are hitting all-time highs, yet here we are having a debate with the protectors of corporate wealth over raising the minimum wage. I feel like responding to these people like Neo responded to Agent Smith in The Matrix. “Yeah, well that sounds like a really good deal. But I think I’ve got a better one. How about…I give you the finger, and you give us a fair wage.” — Wait, I’m getting reports that I might not have gotten that exactly right. Seems I was off a smidgen. Maybe “the finger” part. Two fingers?

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The Tasty Pick of American Exceptionalism: Minimum Wage Or Incarceration?

American Dream - photo by Jim PotterAmerica is exceptional all right, its exceptionally jaded, exceptionally cynical, exceptionally resentful, and exceptionally callous. We are so judgmental of others, so righteous of our own strengths, so high on our own self-worth, we believe we need to be exceptionally tough when it comes to anyone who does not measure up. And nowhere is this more true than America’s “tough on crime” stance. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have laws. I’m not saying criminals shouldn’t go to jail. What I’m saying is we need to take it down a notch or two or a thousand. And we need to stop taking discretion away from judges and juries with “mandatory minimums” and other similar legislative “solutions” to crime.

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