The Trump-Republican Voter Fraud Fiction

With Donald Trump’s continued vanity project, winning the electoral college and the presidency wasn’t enough. It must really stick in his craw that he lost the popular vote. So, he must do as all autocratic leaders do. Lie. And so Trump spins a tale about millions of people who voted illegally, and amazingly all for Hillary Clinton.

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Yes Trump Can Win. Democrats Are Deluded If They Think Hillary Is A Lock.

The normal state of mind for the average Democratic voter is despair. Democrats and liberals fear their candidate will lose, always. But as it turns out, at least in presidential years, this fear of loss is a catalyst that gets Democrats and liberals to the polls. That has led to popular vote wins for Democrats in five of the last six presidential elections. The only exception was in 2004 when George W. Bush won the popular vote, giving him a second term as president. Unfortunately that pesky electoral college (and a controversial Supreme Court ruling) led to Bush, a Republican, winning in 2000 even though he lost the popular vote to Al Gore, a Democrat. For some reason this fear of loss doesn’t fuel Democrats to the polls during non-presidential years, a topic we’ll bookmark for another day.

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The Democratic Party’s ‘Superdelegates Of Mediocrity’

Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire Democratic Primary by a near landslide, beating Hillary Clinton by 20 points. But, it is not the average citizen who goes to the Democratic Convention this summer. Instead, delegates will cast votes for each state, ultimately electing the next Democratic nominee. But, delegates are supposed to represent the will of the people, right? Yes, that is how it is supposed to work, but the problem is that not all delegates are created alike.

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Beating Back The Bern: Shilling For Hillary Clinton By Proxy

Something I’ve noticed in the past few days on social media is the backlash against Bernie Sanders supporters by certain “liberals.” To be clear, I put “liberals” in quotes because they are acting more like protectors of the establishment and not the liberals they claim to be. Hillary Clinton defenders are starting to “#FeelTheBern” and they are lashing out.

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Dirty Harry Wants Your Punk Ass To Vote

I know what you’re thinking. “Which is worse, a Democrat or a Republican?” Well, to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is an election day, the most powerful civic duty in the world, and you could know you did your part, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?

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Democrats Are Weasels, But Don’t Let That Stop You From Voting

It’s been a near universal Democratic game plan for the 2014 mid-term elections: Run FAR away from President Obama. Democrats are such fucking weasels. They grow a conscience for about twenty seconds and vote for something like the Affordable Care Act, then when the political winds blow against them, they cower in fear, distancing themselves from their own record, even if that record is one of great achievement.

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