Eliot Spitzer: Republicans Devoid Of Consistency And Logic

Remember when Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the rest of the Republican clown show were dumping on Obamacare because it cuts $716 billion from Medicare? Well, never mind that the cuts are actually cost savings that don’t affect benefits, the point is that Republicans wanted to look like the great defenders of Medicare. Now as part of a fiscal cliff deal Republicans are looking to do what? Cut Medicare spending. Wow, that didn’t take long.

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Eliot Spitzer – Number of the Day: New Roads Equals Two For One Bargain

If I’ve repeated one thing more than any other, it’s the need for increased infrastructure spending. And the reason is simple — upgrading America’s roads, bridges, rail, electrical grid, etc. makes for good use of public money. In the case of roads, we get better roads, more jobs and the economic impact could be immeasurable. Take for instance the highway system, and all the businesses that sprang up along highway exits, as well as all the business centers that could not exist without highway access. And all in just one lifetime.

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Eliot Spitzer – Number of the Day: Senate Filibuster Reform

Since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, Republicans have used the filibuster at an unprecedented rate. Take a look at this chart over at The Atlantic. There is no question filibuster reform is needed as both Democrats and Republicans have increasingly relied upon it when in the minority. But Republicans have taken reckless use of the filibuster to new heights since becoming the minority in the Senate in 2006.

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Do Liberals and Democrats Demonize Wealth?

A recent Left Call commenter said, “What I totally don’t understand about you liberals, and Democrats in general, is how you so easily demonize the wealthy. I just don’t get it. You think that the Republican Party is just for the wealthy? That Conservatives are rich people alone?”

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