Yes, Liberals Are Judgmental Too

I would like to remind fellow liberals that we too are judgmental creatures. We are all human, so we cannot escape our biases. Yeah I know, sometimes we like to think we are the clear thinkers, and that we are above bias, but think about it, doesn’t that sound just a bit self-righteous? And isn’t that the kind of pious thinking we rail against when it comes to conservative thought? My hope is that most liberals realize this, and I think that might be one of the differences between liberals and conservatives, and yes, that sounds self-righteous too, with just a touch of condescension added in for good measure.

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The Economics Of Moral Outrage, How Liberals And Conservatives Differ

At some point we as a society need to come to terms with the fact that economic status is not a good barometer for morality, and it certainly tells you nothing of the character of a human being. You are not in higher moral standing because you earn a larger paycheck. And a person should not automatically be assumed morally suspect because they are unemployed, or can’t pay their mortgage, or can’t keep food on the table.

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Inexplicable Republican Opposition To Extending Unemployment Benefits

Okay, I did say it’s inexplicable, but let me take a stab at it anyway. Republicans are opposed to extending unemployment insurance because it does not solve the problem of joblessness. Fair enough, I can agree unemployment benefits do not lead directly to job creation, but that itself is not a reason to deny people those benefits. It’s not like jobs aren’t being created because unemployment insurance is a thing.

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A Fiscal Cliff Deal? – Not Yet

I hate to be the pessimist in the room, but regardless of all the positive talk today about a potential fiscal cliff deal, nothing is done until congress votes on it. The details of the potential deal includes an extension of unemployment benefits, a patch of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) so that it doesn’t hit middle class families, and extensions of the earned income tax credit and college tax credit for 5 years.

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