Ted “Motor City Madman” Nugent To Attend State Of The Union Address

Part-time musician, one-time Motor City Madman, and full-time, well…madman, Ted Nugent, will be a guest of Texas Representative Steve Stockman at President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. “I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama,” said Stockman, following with, “After the address I’m sure Ted will have plenty to say.”

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There Is No Equivalence, Republican Rhetoric Is In A Class Of Its Own

Republicans will likely roll their eyes when you point out that there is no equivalence when it comes to left/right rhetoric. Both sides engage in hyperbole and insults but Republicans get away with a special kind of rhetoric that is in a class of its own. Eugene Robinson writes about this false equivalence in his latest Washington Post column: Republican rhetoric over the top.

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