Demonizing Wealth? Have You Paid Attention To Who Is Prospering Lately?

I’ve written about this topic before in response to an article comment, and I’m going to write about it again in response to another comment. — There are a number of average Americans willing to step up to the plate and defend the wealthy. They believe there is a class war against the rich. They believe President Obama is against wealth. They believe Democrats and liberals are against success. But where does this belief come from? I have serious doubts that so many average Americans simultaneously came to this conclusion. No, they believe wealth is being demonized because wealthy powerful people are saying just that, and they choose to believe it. And I don’t know why.

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Mitt Romney Tax Return Scrutiny Calls Attention To Progressive Taxation

It’s quite possible the real reason Mitt Romney does not want to release more years of tax returns is that he knows it will only serve to put a sharper focus on progressive taxation in the United States. In fact he and his wife Ann have all but said that. They haven’t spelled out the specifics but they have said they won’t release more returns because it will result in more criticism.

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