Republicans Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Fight While Voting To Increase Debt

Republicans would have you believe that the economy, the deficit and even much of our long-term debt is on the shoulders of President Obama. Republicans in the House, particularly Tea Party Republicans, threatened to ruin the credit worthiness of the United States (although many would not acknowledge it) in last summer’s debt ceiling showdown. In fact, just days after they reached an agreement to increase the debt ceiling, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the credit rating of the U.S. government bond for the first time ever.

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Hey Mitt, It Was A Republican Who Was President When The ‘Great Recession’ Began

I would like to remind Republicans, particularly presidential candidate Mitt Romney, that it was a Republican who was in the White House when the ‘great recession’ began. Romney can try to spin it as Obama’s economy or Obama’s recession, pretending that Obama was responsible for the worst recession since the great depression, but it was George W. Bush who was president at the time.

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Tax Cuts, Especially For The Rich, Have No Significant Impact On Economic Growth

I have some news for Republicans and other fellow Americans who believe tax cuts for the rich will help the economy. If you think the rich are “job creators” and that their wealth will trickle down to the rest of us then you took the bait and swallowed it whole. The rich, along with their bought politicians, have you hook, line, and sinker. How much more evidence do you need that tax cuts, especially tax cuts for the rich, do not have any significant impact on economic growth? I don’t care what prominent Republican politicians and right-wing pundits are saying, it is entirely possible they are wrong. It’s also entirely possible they might not have your interests in mind when it comes to tax policy.

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GOP Hell-Bent On Tax Favors For The Rich Financed By Cuts To The Poor

Republican lawmakers are locked into an ideology of trickle-down economics. They believe giving tax breaks to the rich will result in prosperity for everyone, or at least that’s what they tell the public. It’s sometimes hard to believe grown adults advocate such nonsense, but here we are, some 30+ years into a massive experiment of wealth redistribution to the top 1%. What do we have to show for it? The free-market advocates will say taxes are still too high, there are still too many government regulations, and if we cut both we will be on the road to prosperity. But whose prosperity? Does the rest of the country buy this nonsense? Apparently a large percentage of Americans do subscribe to this bombast. It’s the only way it’s lasted (even thrived) for so long.

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Not Cheering – Not Zero

A new report released by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the stimulus bill that went into effect in February 2009 has created between 1 million and 2.9 million jobs. While this falls short (even at 2.9 million) of where job creation needs to be it also invalidates the right-wing narrative that the stimulus didn’t work. Just this past week Sean Hannity falsely stated we are losing 400,000 jobs a month.

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I’m a Socialist and So Are You

Did you hear? President Obama wants the Bush tax cuts to expire – only on the top tax bracket – therefore he is a socialist. Or let’s try another one… They are saying Obama is a socialist because he wants everyone in this country to have access to healthcare. Actually “they” are right about that second one. That is a socialist idea and I fully embrace it. This must mean I’m a socialist too, at least when it comes to the topic of healthcare. I will show I’m also a socialist in many other areas and you likely are as well.

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