Not Even Gods Of War Can Kill Ideas With Bombs

Human beings understand that an idea can have formidable perseverance, when they agree with it. In fact, so fervently do people believe this, falling on one’s sword to protect the idea is considered an honorable exit from this terrestrial sphere. So, it goes without saying that human beings understand an idea can survive violence, even death — but again, only if they agree with the idea.

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GOP Chickenhawks Suddenly Gone Soft: Republicans Have No Appetite For War

The war party, otherwise known as the Republican Party, has gone soft. The GOP likes to pride itself on being strong on national defense, looking to pick a fight with the next dictator or tyrant. And for at least the last three or four decades Republicans have taken great pleasure in deriding Democrats and liberals for being soft when it comes to war. But suddenly the chickenhawk Republicans find themselves in unfamiliar territory, having to defend their anti-war stance on Syria. What has the world come to?

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Syria War Drums: Do Liberals Enable Tyrants? I Reject The Premise

On The Daily Beast, Michael Tomasky explains to us liberals who oppose military action in Syria, how we are enabling the tyrants of the world. His article reads like an extension of the warmongering coming from Secretary of State John Kerry. The entire premise of the piece is predicated on the idea that we inherently know how the dictators and tyrants of the world will respond absent U.S. action. But we don’t actually “know” this.

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