Charleston Exposes ‘Individual Liberty’ Gun Ownership Lie

The murder of nine innocent people at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina exposes the America-born con that gun ownership is the thing that protects individual liberty. If only you could ask one of the dead how free they now feel. And if only there were more bullets flying in that church, might we finally realize America has reached its finest form of freedom.

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What Do Edward Snowden And Aaron Alexis Have In Common?

So what do Edward Snowden the NSA leaker, and Aaron Alexis the Navy Yard shooter, have in common? — They both had background reviews done by the same government contractor. Why does this matter? — It doesn’t. But don’t tell that to Senator Claire McCaskill. “From Edward Snowden to Aaron Alexis, what’s emerging is a pattern of failure on the part of this company, and a failure of this entire system, that risks nothing less than our national security and the lives of Americans,” said McCaskill. She went on to say:

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The AR-15 Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle Was Used At Sandy Hook, Aurora, And Now The Navy Yard Shooting

EDIT: Early reports indicated an AR-15 was involved in the Navy Yard shooting. That turns out to be false, but it hardly changes anything. If Aaron Alexis was able to so easily kill 12 people without an AR-15, I don’t want to think what would have happened had he used an assault rifle (yes, that’s what it is). The amount of carnage possible even with less potent weapons lends even greater support to banning assault style weapons.

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Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting: America is NOT shocked

Every time one of these mass-shooting, mass-murder events happens in the United States we see headlines like “Americans in shock,” and descriptive words like horror and terror, but do you see a problem here? Did you notice that I started this article by saying “every time,” which indicates this is not a rare event. The fact is, while overall crime statistics are at 20 (even 30) year lows in many categories (including murder) we still have mass-shooting events occurring with regular frequency. Each one of us has essentially come to expect that these mass-shooting events are going to happen regularly. So is there anything shocking about it?

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