Marriage Equality Fight Still Not Over After Supreme Court Ruling

Would you say the fight for reproductive rights is over in 2015? I didn’t think so. Much the same can be said for marriage equality, even after yesterday’s landmark Supreme Court ruling. Because no matter how much we may perceive a “rights issue” as finally reaching its pinnacle, in this case, capped by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling making marriage equality the law in all 50 states, it doesn’t automatically change the minds of the regressive opposition.

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Ideology And Wasted Taxpayer Dollars Stand In The Way Of Same-Sex Marriage In All 50 States

Remember when the Supreme Court ruled the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional? That happened only 4 months ago, so it’s no surprise that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are still standing, waiting to be challenged in the courts. But let’s make one thing very clear, every Republican-led state that chooses to defend their same-sex marriage ban in court will do so with taxpayer dollars. If a federal ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional there’s pretty much zero chance state-level bans are not. So that means every time so-called “fiscal conservative” Republicans defend the indefensible they are wasting taxpayer dollars.

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Australian Prime Minister Delivers Articulate, Powerful Argument Supporting Marriage Equality (VIDEO)

The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, received a question from a Christian audience member asking why Rudd changed his position on same-sex marriage. The Prime Minister’s response is just about the best smack down of Christian opposition to marriage equality that I’ve seen to date, particularly by someone of high office. But his response is much more than a rebuke, it’s an incredibly articulate, powerful and persuasive argument in favor of same-sex marriage. And the best this Christian could muster was to say “marriage is between husbands and wives, and Jesus said…” I don’t need to continue, you get the idea. Check out the video below. Trust me, it’s worth watching the whole thing.

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IRS To Recognize Same-Sex Marriage For Federal Tax Purposes

This has to be one of the more unusual issues for people to cheer about, but it’s a big deal. Today the U.S. Treasury Department announced legally married same-sex couples will be treated as married for all federal tax considerations. This includes federal income tax filing status, estate tax, and more. The announcement comes only months after the Supreme Court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as only between a man and a woman, as unconstitutional.

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Observation of the Day: Conservatives Fear Social Justice

Conservatives who respond in opposition to social justice are not behaving with a clearly defined philosophy or ideology. Conservatives who oppose or deflect away from any discussion of equal rights or miscarriages of justice do so out of fear. And this fear fuels their backlash against change in social order. Their neat little world is rocked, as they thrash about in response.

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