Walmart Workers Want Justice And Respect, Flash Mob Style (VIDEO)

On September 5th, Walmart workers around the country rallied for better wages, benefits and a little thing called respect. The rally in Raleigh, North Carolina had a special flare with a well-coordinated and peaceful flash mob assembly. Walmart is the biggest employer in America with over one million workers. With that many employers, Walmart can only get away with their labor practices for so long. Eventually the people will fight back. This flash mob is likely only the beginning.

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Corporate Profits Soar, But Republicans Refuse To Raise Minimum Wage

We know corporate profits are hitting all-time highs, yet here we are having a debate with the protectors of corporate wealth over raising the minimum wage. I feel like responding to these people like Neo responded to Agent Smith in The Matrix. “Yeah, well that sounds like a really good deal. But I think I’ve got a better one. How about…I give you the finger, and you give us a fair wage.” — Wait, I’m getting reports that I might not have gotten that exactly right. Seems I was off a smidgen. Maybe “the finger” part. Two fingers?

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The Tasty Pick of American Exceptionalism: Minimum Wage Or Incarceration?

American Dream - photo by Jim PotterAmerica is exceptional all right, its exceptionally jaded, exceptionally cynical, exceptionally resentful, and exceptionally callous. We are so judgmental of others, so righteous of our own strengths, so high on our own self-worth, we believe we need to be exceptionally tough when it comes to anyone who does not measure up. And nowhere is this more true than America’s “tough on crime” stance. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have laws. I’m not saying criminals shouldn’t go to jail. What I’m saying is we need to take it down a notch or two or a thousand. And we need to stop taking discretion away from judges and juries with “mandatory minimums” and other similar legislative “solutions” to crime.

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Fact of the Day: In 2012, Corporate Profits Hit Record 11.1 Percent Of GDP

Corporate Profits - Percent of GDP - Quarter 3, 2012It might only be four years and change since the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, but you wouldn’t know it if you looked at corporate profits of late. In the 3rd quarter of 2012, corporate profits hit an all-time high of 11.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is at the same time that the unemployment rate is still nearly 8%, and wages are stagnant or worse.

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Walmart Is The Corporate Embodiment Of America’s Growing Inequality

I have a secret to reveal. I used to regularly shop at Walmart. I live in the outer stretches of Philadelphia’s western suburbs, and Walmart happened to be the closest place to go food shopping. I was never enthusiastic about shopping at Walmart, and as my social and political views evolved, I grew even more uneasy with contributing my money to a company in opposition to my values. So nearly three years ago I stopped food shopping at Walmart, and in fact, I don’t think I’ve stepped foot inside a Walmart since then.

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