Eliot Spitzer – Number of the Day: New Roads Equals Two For One Bargain

If I’ve repeated one thing more than any other, it’s the need for increased infrastructure spending. And the reason is simple — upgrading America’s roads, bridges, rail, electrical grid, etc. makes for good use of public money. In the case of roads, we get better roads, more jobs and the economic impact could be immeasurable. Take for instance the highway system, and all the businesses that sprang up along highway exits, as well as all the business centers that could not exist without highway access. And all in just one lifetime.

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Mitt Romney’s ‘you didn’t build that’ moment

President Obama accurately explained in a recent speech (used out of context by the right for political gain) that the people who start businesses rely on the infrastructure that “We the People” have built. In a civil and democratic society, we collectively build the roads, bridges, schools and employ the teachers that make it possible for anyone with a dream to pursue it and start a business. Remove politics from the equation and you won’t find many who would disagree with this, but there are many who forget it when they say government is the problem, not the solution. This is not a zero sum game. The success of business, the economy and capitalism itself can be achieved through hard work in both the public and private sectors.

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Obama’s ‘you didn’t build that’ remark leads to yet another lie by Romney and conservatives

In a speech last week President Obama had his Elizabeth Warren moment. The president accurately explained (although he could have worded it better) why government has a role in the economy. At no time did Obama say that business owners aren’t responsible for creating their own businesses. He’s only pointing out what should be obvious unless you are someone who believes without proof that government is always evil or wrong. In other words, a right-wing partisan hack.

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A Historic Opportunity

If you tune into the news networks – with emphasis on Fox News – you are eventually going to hear a talking head say that businesses and families need to control their spending and so that means government does too. What they seem to imply with those sentiments is that the United States government shouldn’t take on debt or at the very least shouldn’t take on the amount of debt that it has to date.

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