Blinded By The Right: Self-Delusion Fueled Obama-Rage

We generally find it narcissistic, self-righteous, and even a bit creepy when a human being believes he or she is superior to another human being. But when someone believes this very same thing about their country, with the implication being that all other countries (and hence the people who live in them) are inferior, it is considered perfectly normal. And if you are an American, you damn well better believe you live in the best country on the face of the Earth.

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The Christian Right Wishes To Protect Intolerant ‘Religious’ Beliefs

There is great absurdity in calling “the left” intolerant, as it relates to the Duck Dynasty / Phil Robertson “story,” when the Christian right is masterful at employing intolerance by masquerading it as a protected religious belief. They wish to portray “the left” as being intolerant when liberals criticize hateful religious beliefs. If these religious beliefs were harmless, and if these religious beliefs were not discriminatory, then maybe, just maybe the Christian right would have a point. But if a Christian conservative vocally condemns an entire group of people based on sexual preference, or race, or anything else that is part of what makes them human, that is true intolerance, and they will rightfully be labeled a bigot.

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Nicole Austin-Hillery: Voting In This Country Is A Right

Voting in this country is a right, and we should never allow it to be compared to things that are not rights (in the context of the voter ID law debate). We all know this, well at least those of us who value equal rights. The following quote is an excellent statement on the right to vote in America. It comes from Nicole Austin-Hillery (Director of the Brennan Center D.C. Office) on Saturday’s Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC.

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