Russian Election-Hacking Bingo, Conspiracies For Liberals

With giddy pride, liberals have deservedly vilified an expansive sea of right-wing conspiracy theories. But it now appears those seditious chickens have come home to a roost of left-wing treachery. Modern liberalism has become a hospitable nesting place for paranoia in the months since President Donald Trump’s election. With vociferous oratory growing in the weeks after his inauguration, left-wing talk show hosts and liberal pundits have stoked the base to a level of conspiratorial thinking previously thought reserved for conservative talk radio.

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This Is What Liberal Media Bias Looks Like (To The Rest Of Us)

When conservatives deliver sermons on the liberal biased mainstream media, first I wonder what exactly constitutes “mainstream.” I suppose if you aren’t mainstream, then you are what some call “new” or “alternative” media, but do conservatives really believe Fox News falls into this surrogate classification? I grant we could assign Fox News to a class of its own, but even if their brand nurtures a conservative echo chamber, I find it troublesome to view a high-rated cable news network as anything other than predominant. That makes Fox News very much part of the mainstream, never mind the radio airwaves dominated by conservative talk. And we haven’t even dived into the corporate owned news. Just how often do we apply the “liberal” label to media conglomerates? So when conservatives refer to the mainstream media, they definitely aren’t including Fox News, or conservative radio, or the corporate entities that own all media, because that might detract from their directive.

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Blinded By The Right: Self-Delusion Fueled Obama-Rage

We generally find it narcissistic, self-righteous, and even a bit creepy when a human being believes he or she is superior to another human being. But when someone believes this very same thing about their country, with the implication being that all other countries (and hence the people who live in them) are inferior, it is considered perfectly normal. And if you are an American, you damn well better believe you live in the best country on the face of the Earth.

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Cliven Bundy, Sean Hannity, And Right-Wing Reactionary Politics

The whole Cliven Bundy episode is a case study in right-wing reactionary politics. All the people who came to his support are now distancing themselves. That includes Sean Hannity and other Fox News personalities, and it also includes the Kochs’ funded Americans for Prosperity. None of them could be bothered to do any homework before throwing their support to him or featuring him prominently on Fox News nightly.

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22 Things That Could Possibly Be President Obama’s Fault

You know that right-wing friend of yours who blames President Obama for nearly everything? Well, considering how many things conservatives have blamed on Obama, odds are probably in their favor that they will eventually stumble onto something that really is his fault. So with that in mind, I give you 22 things that could possibly be president Obama’s fault.

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Medicare Single-Payer vs. Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

The overwrought and repugnant response to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) by Looney Tunes Tea Party “activists” and by many so-called mainstream Republicans, is patently absurd in a country that already has a nearly 50-year-old single-payer, government-run, health care insurance program called Medicare. And I purposely include “insurance” in the description of Medicare, because that’s exactly what it is. It is NOT socialized medicine. You still see your private doctor with Medicare. You can still go to a private hospital with Medicare.

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