There Is No Equivalence, Republican Rhetoric Is In A Class Of Its Own

Republicans will likely roll their eyes when you point out that there is no equivalence when it comes to left/right rhetoric. Both sides engage in hyperbole and insults but Republicans get away with a special kind of rhetoric that is in a class of its own. Eugene Robinson writes about this false equivalence in his latest Washington Post column: Republican rhetoric over the top.

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You Have A Say In Your Government

One thing that I’ve been continually mystified about is this notion of government is evil and part of the problem. This kind of rhetoric was in overdrive during the healthcare debate in 2009 and 2010. When it comes to government, you have a say! It’s by the people, for the people. Why anyone would choose to privatize (or keep private) a service that is meant to benefit all (like financing of healthcare) is perplexing to me. You, I, and all citizens have a say in our government.

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