Republicans Lost At Sea On Obamacare Repeal

Over the years, Republicans have voted for a variety of Obamacare repeal bills. This time last year the repeal count was over 60. These repeal votes were red meat for their rabid base, a dog and pony show for the rest. Because Republicans knew they had the cover of an Obama veto, they never had to do the hard work. Turns out this governing thing isn’t so easy when it really matters.

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Does Hillary Clinton Want To Abolish The 2nd Amendment?

It took just twenty-four hours for Donald Trump to torpedo his latest “reboot.” One day after an economic speech intended to put his campaign back on track, Trump suggested “Second Amendment people” might be able to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing “judges.” While his comment could be viewed as ambiguous in a sanitized context, it’s hardly a stretch for someone to interpret it to mean an armed uprising against a U.S. president. Even if it was just a joke, and even if we can debate the meaning, the problem is not the intent, the problem is that it was said at all.

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Hey Republicans, What Happened To Obamacare Repeal?

I’ll tell you what happened. Millions of Americans now have health care coverage because of the Affordable Care Act. Millions more will gain coverage over the coming months and years. If Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare were unsuccessful before anyone was officially covered (and let me tell you, they tried many times), then how will future repeal efforts fair? That is, if there are any future repeal efforts.

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GOP To Test New Obamacare Repeal Strategy

CAPITOL HILL — After a failed attempt to defund or repeal Obamacare with a government shutdown, and after over forty symbolic repeal votes in the House, Republicans are signaling a tonal shift. With public approval of the Republican Party at historic lows, GOP leaders will roll out a brand new Obamacare repeal strategy they believe Americans will find more amiable. Instead of another plan to hold the country hostage, Republican lawmakers will instead hold their breath, and some may also stomp their feet, and they will not give up until President Obama finally indicates a willingness to be reasonable and work with Republicans to dismantle his signature legislative achievement. But behind closed doors, some reluctant Republicans admit this new strategy is not without risk.

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Government Shutdown: Lies, Damned Lies, And Republicans

I know this will come as a deep and emotional shock to all who read this, but it must be said — Speaker John Boehner, congressional Republicans, Fox News hosts, and conservative talk radio jackals, are all lying through their teeth about the government shutdown, or in the case of Fox News, the government “slimdown.”

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Republicans Need A 12-Step Program To Kick Their Anti-Obamacare Addiction

On the eve of a Republican-precipitated government shutdown, I think we need an intervention. Republicans need to check themselves into a 12-step program to kick their anti-Obamacare addiction. And it’s quite likely some Republicans may require simultaneous treatment for the very dangerous Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS). Let me kick off the process by offering these essential steps.

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The Fake-Filibuster: Because Senator Ted Cruz Loves The Sound Of His Own Voice

When this article was published, Senator Ted Cruz was still fake-filibustering on the Senate floor. His reason for fake-filibustering is to denounce Obamacare and call for it’s defunding. This will never happen of course, but a little thing like reality won’t stand in the way of delusion for Republicans like Cruz. And I say this is a fake filibuster because Cruz has no power in this situation to hold the Senate hostage.

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Obamacare Repeal: Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting For A Republican Health Care Plan

Republicans feel the wind at their backs in their opposition to Obamacare, and it seems polls support this belief. But even if a plurality of Americans do not like the Affordable Care Act, Republicans should not mistake this for informed public opinion. Because if Republicans were successful in repealing Obamacare, they would soon face a backlash from people losing benefits and health care “rights” they now have under the law.

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