Moderates Wake Up, Tea Party Republicans Are Not Conservatives, They Are Radical Anarchists

I really wish moderate conservatives could be honest with themselves and with the rest of us. I wish they could look past their ideology to see the people they support with their votes or their silence are not fellow conservatives. I’m talking about Tea Party Republicans who control the GOP and who are responsible for the government shutdown. These dissidents are no conservatives. They are radicals. I used to call them right-wing radicals but they are beyond left and right. In fact, some of them could be considered anarchists, at least when it comes to formal governing. They might still believe in an order of hierarchy along other avenues, like patriarchy, but when it comes to government, especially the federal government, they are partisan firebrand agitators worshiping at the altar of demagoguery and malcontent, while speaking the language of cynicism.

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To Tea Party Republicans Threatening Government Shutdown: America Does Not Negotiate With Terrorists

The right-wing radicals who have held the GOP hostage for over four years, are now threatening to hold the entire country captive until their demands are met. These “Tea Party” Republicans want further cuts to government spending, but their biggest demand is full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They know repeal will not happen under normal circumstances, so they must create the grim conditions necessary for Democrats and President Obama to crack under the pressure. In other words, they must terrorize the nation. These extremist fanatics bathe in American patriotism and wave their flags, but until they get what they want, American democracy can go fuck itself. Yeah, I got your compromise right here.

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Observation of the Day: Robert Reich Says ‘Regressives’ Have Taken Over Republican Party

The fundamentalist constituency, eating the Republican Party alive, should be known collectively as “regressives,” according to a Facebook post by Robert Reich. There is nothing conservative about them. They do not wish to preserve the status quo, they wish to destroy it, and with it, all the progress over the past century. Reich calls them “regressives” while I have referred to them as “extreme right-wing radicals.”

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The Republican Endgame: An America Where Big Ideas Are Dead

Republicans have become the party of “No we can’t” and Democrats have become the party of “Yes we can, but…”. Gone are the days of big ideas and big plans for the future. We no longer live in a country that is capable of shooting for the stars and solving big problems. Instead we are in a race to the bottom that has coincided with a political shift to the right that caters to rich and powerful interests.

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